Zlatin,Alexander vs. Efroimski,Marsel - Israel Team Championship 2025 1-0
In the Israel Team Championship 2025 on January 10, 2025, between players Zlatin and Efroimski, White's move Nxc5 is a decisive and aggressive maneuver that threatens to gain a material advantage over Black's position.
This move not only puts pressure on Black's pawn but also opens up new lines for White's piece development, making it a strategic choice.
By playing Nxc5, White ignores the potential to exchange pieces and neutralize Black's attack, instead opting to take control of the center and create a strong initiative.
However, this bold move also misses an opportunity to escape any incoming attacks, as it commits White's knight to the defense without providing sufficient counterplay on other parts of the board.
Furthermore, White's choice of Nxc5 does not facilitate a favorable material exchange, potentially leaving Black with a pawn that could be used as a future sacrifice or pawn chain.
Despite the risks, the move does develop White's piece for active play, setting up potential attacks and counter-attacks in the coming turns.
[Date "2025.01.10"]