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Zanan,Evgeny vs. Uritsky,Yonathan - Israeli Championship 2024 1-0

In the Israeli Championship 2024 on January 22nd, 2025, Evgeny Zanan played a curious move Qxa2, capturing Uritsky's queen in a follow-the-capture style move. Unfortunately for Black, this choice misses an opportunity to threaten and instead allows White to gain a free piece. The decision also ignores the superior threat chance presented by a more aggressive approach, allowing White to seize winning tempo. Furthermore, it fails to reveal an attack on Uritsky's queen, missing a favorable piece exchange that could have been made. Moreover, this move does not allow for a piece kick against White's position, instead missing an opportunity to escape from attack and potentially gain a better material exchange. It also neglects the chance to force Evgeny to make a less desirable move. Evgeny's choice even pins Uritsky's queen to his king, creating a fork that attacks multiple pieces, but this threat is not fully exploited. Additionally, the move fails to develop an important piece for active play. However, it is worth noting that the Qxa2 move does pin Uritsky's queen to his king, a tactical consideration in itself.
[Date "2025.01.22"]