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Zanan,Evgeny vs. Bar,Roman - Israel Team Championship 2025 0-1

In the Israel Team Championship 2025 on 2025.01.10, White player Zanan made the move Rxc4 against Black player Bar's piece. This capture move neutralizes an attacking force. By doing so, it eliminates a threat. The resulting position offers an equal trade of material. However, this exchange doesn't capitalize on a potential advantage to gain more material. Instead, it allows Black to maintain control over the c-file. On the other hand, the move also frees up White's rook, positioning it for future active play. Furthermore, the piece is now in a better defensive position. Unfortunately, this isn't accompanied by additional protection for an underdefended pawn on d4. Nonetheless, the rook is well-defended and available to block potential attacks from Black.
[Date "2025.01.10"]