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Yeletsky, Ivan vs. Ersoz, Teoman Guney - September 03 Late 2024 0-1

The chess move Kf5 played by white in the game between Yeletsky, Ivan and Ersoz, Teoman Guney during the September 03 Late 2024 event on 2024.09.03 follows a capture move. It threatens to win material, but in exchange, it loses material. The move leaves the white king undefended and sacrifices a piece unnecessarily. White ignores a free capture opportunity and misses the chance to capture material. The move fails to provide a better escape from the attack8 and misses the opportunity to escape the attack. It also misses the chance to defend the unprotected white king, although it does defend the attacked piece. White misses the opportunity to protect the underdefended king and fails to find a better defense for the unprotected piece. However, the move does develop the white king for active play.
[Date "2024.09.03"]