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Wang,Lexin Selina vs. Scarlat-Timofte,Elena - DVM U12w 2024 1-0

In the game between Wang Lexin Selina and Scarlat-Timofte Elena in event DVM U12w 2024 on December 30, 2024, Black's move Qe1 is notable for missing an opportunity to launch a swift attack by not taking advantage of the element of surprise. By doing so, she fails to reveal her intentions and instead allows White to prepare their defenses. Furthermore, Black's Queen on e1 now finds itself well-defended, which limits its potential mobility and impact. The move also blocks White's possible attack, allowing White to focus on developing their pieces and preparing for counterplay. Additionally, the Qe1 move prevents Black from forcing a more aggressive response from White, thereby missing an opportunity to gain a strategic advantage. Moreover, it fails to provide better protection for the underdefended piece, leaving it vulnerable to potential attacks in the future. In essence, the Qe1 move develops Black's Queen but also restricts its active play, making it less effective in achieving its full potential.
[Date "2024.12.30"]