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Wagner,Dinara vs. Toncheva,Nadya - European Women Blitz-ch 2024 1-0

In the European Women Blitz-ch 2024 event on January 10, 2025, Black player Toncheva made the move fxg6 against White player Wagner's pieces. This move follows a capture, eliminating an attacking piece from the board. It is an equal trade of pieces, but instead of threatening or developing further, it presents an opportunity for equal piece exchange. The move also fails to reveal any attack on other pieces and does not take advantage of superior bishop mobility. Furthermore, it misses a favorable material exchange and allows the opponent's piece to be kicked out of position. The game now features Toncheva's rook being returned to its starting position after capturing Wagner's knight. However, this move fails to develop any piece for active play. Instead, it merely retakes the captured piece, maintaining the status quo on the board. Overall, the move fxg6 is a missed opportunity to take control of the game and potentially gain an advantage over her opponent, Wagner.
[Date "2025.01.10"]