Wagner,Dinara vs. De Lomas Busquets,Alba - European Women Rapid-ch 2024 1-0
In the European Women Rapid-ch 2024 on January 11, 2025, Dinara Wagner played a move that involved sacrificing material to put pressure on her opponent Alba De Lomas Busquets' position.
The pawn sacrifice at Rh1 gave up material in exchange for a potential advantage in attacking chances.
Leaving the Rook without defenders exposed it to possible counter-attacks by Black.
This move, however, chose to ignore the stronger threat of attacking the more important pieces first.
By sacrificing her own piece, Dinara gained tempo advantage.
The pawn sacrifice also protected the attacked piece on Rh1, which was now in a relatively safe position.
Despite this defensive aspect, Dinara missed an opportunity for better protection of underdefended pawns and open file captures.
Furthermore, she neglected to develop her rook further.
This move did, however, prepare it for active play in the future games.
[Date "2025.01.11"]