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Vignesh N R vs. Lucena Palomo,Alberto - 50th Ciudad Sevilla 2024 1-0

In the game between Vignesh N R playing with white pieces versus Lucena Palomo,Alberto playing with black pieces in the 50th Ciudad Sevilla 2024 event on January 10, 2025, Black's move Rc8 was made. This move threatened to gain material advantage as it exposed White's rook to capture. However, by sacrificing a pawn for this, Black actually lost material in exchange. By moving the rook to c8, Lucena Palomo ignored the opportunity to address a stronger threat chance presented by another part of the board. The rook move on c8 forced Vignesh N R to respond and make a piece move, which could have been utilized more effectively for White's advantage. Unfortunately, Black missed the chance to better defend the rook that was now well protected behind the c-pawn. Despite this, the rook is positioned in an open file, creating potential for future attacks.
[Date "2025.01.10"]