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Vandan Alankar Sawai vs. Papp,Bence - SixDays Budapest January IM-B 2025 0-1

In the game between Vandan Alankar Sawai playing with white pieces versus Papp Bence playing with black pieces in the SixDays Budapest January IM-B 2025 event on 2025.01.27, Black's move Bc7 was made. The move Bc7 is characterized by developing a piece that will be more active in play. The bishop moves away from the center of the board and gains mobility. This move also seems to ignore a potentially stronger threat against material, as White might have had a chance to capture something with their superior attacking position. On the other hand, Black is missing an opportunity to capture the outpost on b7, which could be a strategic advantage. Additionally, by moving Bc7, Black misses out on a favorable material exchange that might have weakened White's pawn structure.
[Date "2025.01.27"]