Vaishali,Rameshbabu vs. Zhu,Jiner - FIDE Women World Blitz-KO 2024 0-1
In the FIDE Women World Blitz-KO 2024 on 2024.12.31 between Vaishali and Rameshbabu versus Zhu and Jiner, White's move Bg5 is a notable choice.
This move develops the bishop for active play, putting it in position to potentially exert influence over the center of the board.
By playing Bg5, White ignores free capture opportunities that Black may have had on the b-file, focusing instead on developing the piece.
However, by doing so, White loses material in exchange for the development of their bishop, which could have been used to support other pieces.
The move also pinning opponent's piece, as it restricts Zhu's movement and creates a potential weakness on Black's queen-side.
Despite being aware of the threats posed by Black's position, White chooses to ignore the superior threat chance presented by Zhu's rook, instead opting for aggressive play with their bishop.
[Date "2024.12.31"]