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Tutisani,Noe vs. Pantsulaia,Levan - 84th Georgian Championship 2025 0-1

In the 84th Georgian Championship 2025 on February 4, 2025, White player Tutisani played a questionable move g4 against Black player Pantsulaia, which can be seen as an attempt to gain material advantage. The move threatens to capture one of Black's pieces, suggesting a desire to acquire a material gain. However, this comes at the cost of failing to create a safe escape route from potential counterattacks, as the pawn on g4 becomes vulnerable to attack. Moreover, the move misses an opportunity to avoid being attacked by Black and instead chooses not to defend the unprotected piece on f2, which could have been safeguarded with a more careful approach. Additionally, Tutisani's decision to advance the pawn to g4 also means missing out on potential long-term benefits from developing other pieces for active play. Ultimately, the move serves as an example of how developing a piece in a creative way can be a positive aspect of one's game plan.
[Date "2025.02.04"]