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Thapa,Binay vs. Maharjan,Suroj - 25th Nepal Championship 2025 0-1

In the 25th Nepal Championship 2025 on 2025.01.29 between Thapa, Binay (white) and Maharjan, Suroj (black), Thapa made the move Qe4. This move leads to an equal trade of queens, as it sacrifices material in hopes of gaining a strategic advantage. By choosing this move, Thapa ignores the opportunity to address a superior threat chance that may arise from his opponent's position. Instead, he proposes an equal piece exchange, which may lead to a draw or a more balanced game. However, Qe4 also forces Maharjan to move a piece, as he will need to respond to the queen's presence on e4. Furthermore, Thapa misses the chance to push his pawn ahead, potentially creating a passed pawn that could be a powerful asset in the future. Despite this, the move gains Thapa a tempo advantage over Maharjan, allowing him to develop more pieces and take control of the center of the board. Nevertheless, Thapa also misses the opportunity to escape any potential attacks from Maharjan's pieces. Moreover, Qe4 creates a fork on e4, as it simultaneously attacks multiple pieces belonging to Maharjan. Unfortunately, this move does not help Thapa in developing his piece for active play. Ultimately, Thapa develops his queen for active play by moving it to e4, where it can exert influence over the game.
[Date "2025.01.29"]