Thapa,Binay vs. Maharjan,Suroj - 25th Nepal Championship 2025 1-0
In the 25th Nepal Championship 2025 on 2025.01.29 between Binay Thapa and Suroj Maharjan, a notable move made by White was Qc5. This pawn push misses an opportunity to launch a strong attack on Black's position right away.
Instead of attacking directly, it creates space for other pieces to develop in the center, potentially gaining a tempo advantage over Black's response. However, this move also forces Black to react and move a piece, which can disrupt their plans and create an opening for White to counter-attack.
Furthermore, Qc5 misses the chance to exchange pieces and gain a material advantage. By not exchanging immediately, White may give up a potential winning opportunity, especially if Black could have gained a significant material advantage through a quick exchange.
The move also fails to better defend against potential attacks on underdefended pawns. While it does develop the queen, which will be active in play, it doesn't necessarily improve its overall defensive position.
Overall, the Qc5 move is notable for its focus on developing the piece rather than launching an immediate attack.
[Date "2025.01.29"]