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Suleymanli,Suleyman vs. Mamedov,Nidjat - Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 1-0

In the Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 on 02.03.2025, Suleymanli played a move that followed capture, capturing Nidjat's rook with his own rook (Rxc3). This move threatened to gain material and won it by taking Nidjat's rook. However, Suleymanli ignored the better opportunity to escape the attack and instead chose to retain possession of the captured piece. This decision allowed Nidjat to potentially kick the rook back into play, which could have been a strong move. Instead, Suleymanli created a fork by moving his rook towards multiple pieces, putting them under threat. Unfortunately for him, this failed attempt at active play left him with missed development opportunities. Nevertheless, he did manage to develop his piece and prepare it for further action.
[Date "2025.02.03"]