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Stefanova,Antoaneta vs. Sliwicka,Alicja - European Women Rapid-ch 2024 1/2-1/2

In the European Women Rapid-ch 2024 event on January 11, 2025, White player Stefanova made the move Qxc7. This move threatens to capture material from Black, resulting in a potential win. However, it is worth noting that Stefanova ignores the superior threat chance that Black has, which could have led to a more advantageous position. The move also creates a fork, as the queen attacks multiple pieces on the board, making it difficult for Black to respond effectively. On the other hand, Stefanova misses opportunities to develop other pieces and force an enemy move, which might have strengthened her attacking chances. Despite ignoring some threats, Stefanova does develop her queen piece, allowing it to become a more active participant in the game's progression. Overall, the move Qxc7 is characterized by its ability to capture material, create a fork, and initiate a new phase of play with the developing queen.
[Date "2025.01.11"]