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Solomon, Kenny vs. Gubajdullin, Alexei - September 03 Late 2024 1/2-1/2

In the game between GM Kenny Solomon playing white and GM Gubajdullin, Alexei playing black on September 3, 2024, Solomon's move h4 threatened to win material by attacking the black knight on g6. The move forced the opponent's piece to move, as Gubajdullin had to retreat the knight to avoid losing it. Additionally, h4 gained Solomon a tempo advantage, as he could now develop his pieces more actively. However, the move also missed an opportunity for white to escape a potential attack, as h4 weakened the white king's position. Furthermore, h4 failed to protect an underdefended white piece, leaving a pawn on h2 vulnerable. Despite these drawbacks, the move did develop a white piece for active play, as the h-pawn could now advance and create threats on the kingside.
[Date "2024.09.03"]