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Soffer,Ram vs. Erenberg,Ariel - Israel Team Championship 2025 1/2-1/2

In the Israel Team Championship 2025 on 2025.01.10, a notable move made by Black player Erenberg was Qa5, which unfortunately fell short of expectations. This specific move allowed White player Soffer to develop a piece for active play and potentially gain an advantage in the game. Qa5 also failed to capitalize on better opportunities to escape from attack or protect underdefended pieces, instead leaving them vulnerable to counterattacks. Furthermore, this move missed chances to capture material or exchange it favorably with White's pieces, which could have led to a more balanced position on the board. Notably, developing Qa5 also did not address Soffer's active play, as it primarily focused on moving one of Black's pawns rather than using it to drive forward and attack White's position.
[Date "2025.01.10"]