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Smolik,Jachym vs. Babula,Vlastimil - Czech Junior Super 2024 1-0

In the Czech Junior Super 2024 event on December 30, 2024, Smolik played b4 with the white pieces against Babula with the black pieces. This move is notable for its neutral nature, as it involves an equal trade of material rather than a decisive gain or loss. The play of b4 also means that the opponent will be forced to respond and potentially develop a piece, which could lead to active play. On the other hand, Smolik may have missed an opportunity to reveal an attack on one of Black's pieces by playing a more aggressive move. Additionally, the trade does not allow Smolik to escape any potential attacks from Babula. However, developing the queen for active play is a notable aspect of this move, as it sets the stage for future maneuvering in the game.
[Date "2024.12.30"]