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Shoker,Samy vs. Morales Neyra,Flora - 8th Montevideo Open 2025 1-0

In the 8th Montevideo Open 2025 on 2025.02.01, a notable move by Black player Flora Morales Neyra was playing Bb7. This move follows a capture, moving the bishop to a more active position on the board. By placing her bishop on b7, Flora connects her rooks for future synergy and creates an opportunity to kick her opponent's piece with counterplay. However, she misses the chance to escape an attack that was imminent. Furthermore, she also neglects the possibility of defending an unprotected piece, which could have been a more proactive approach. Nevertheless, by playing Bb7, Flora does defend her attacked piece, bringing it to a better position. Additionally, this move blocks her opponent's potential attack and limits their options for development. The bishop's advancement on the long diagonal demonstrates its development for active play, setting up possibilities for further counterplay in the game.
[Date "2025.02.01"]