Shirinyan,Daniel vs. Janik,Marek Tobias - Modransky Cup 2025 0-1
In the Modransky Cup 2025 game on February 22, 2025, between Daniel Shirinyan playing with white pieces and Marek Tobias Janik playing with black pieces, the move Nxe5 was made by Black. This move poses a threat to material possession, as it aims to take control of a key piece. By doing so, it forces White to respond and potentially move a piece to neutralize this threat. The knight's influence is enhanced through this move, allowing for further strategic play. However, this pawn exchange also overlooks the opportunity to push a passed pawn, which could have led to additional gains. Nevertheless, the capture of material is achieved, albeit with some loss of flexibility in developing other pieces.
[Date "2025.02.22"]