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Sherla Prathamesh vs. Nihira Koul - 1st Konde Memorial 2025 1-0

In the game of 1st Konde Memorial 2025 on 2025.02.02 between Sherla Prathamesh playing with white pieces versus Nihira Koul playing with black pieces, the move Nd8 played by Black is noteworthy. The move fails to take advantage of a strong attacking opportunity that would have put pressure on White's position. By choosing to play Nd8, Black ignores the possibility of revealing an attack on a key piece, allowing White to potentially kick it out of the way. Instead, Black focuses on defending the attacked piece, which is now well shielded from potential threats. Furthermore, the move misses the chance to provide better protection for an underdefended piece by not opening up a file that could have been used to support it. Additionally, the move blocks White's attack, missing the opportunity to capture an open file. Overall, the move Nd8 allows Black to develop a piece that can be used for active play in the future.
[Date "2025.02.02"]