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Sharma Isha vs. Turzo,Attila - SixDays Budapest January IM-C 2025 0-1

In the game between Sharma Isha (White) and Turzo Attila (Black) at SixDays Budapest January IM-C 2025 on January 27, 2025, White played a move that missed the opportunity to put pressure on Black's position immediately after gaining control of the center. This move ignored the stronger threat it could have presented and allowed Black to potentially counter-attack on another part of the board. By playing Nd3+, White created the potential for an attack but failed to fully exploit this by not revealing its intentions earlier and thus failing to prevent Black from defending itself against that attack. The piece now under attack had a chance to be freed if White had taken the initiative further. However, White missed better ways of defending this piece. Despite ultimately succeeding in well defending this particular piece through clever moves after it got attacked, there was an opportunity to do so earlier with less trouble. White's move did create a fork attacking multiple pieces, which could potentially have led to more advantageous positions for the player making the move had White not lost focus on overall positioning. In any case, White failed to develop one of its pieces effectively in the opening stage.
[Date "2025.01.27"]