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Shandrygin, Nikita vs. Kovacsy, Barnabas - September 03 Late 2024 1/2-1/2

In the game between Shandrygin (White) and Kovacsy (Black) during the September 03 Late 2024 event on 2024.09.03, Black's move Kf5 threatened to capture material. It proposed an equal trade of pieces. However, the move left Black's king undefended. Kf5 also allowed White's piece to be kicked away. Additionally, the move missed the chance to reveal an attack on one of White's pieces. Black also overlooked a better move with the knight. Furthermore, Kf5 missed the opportunity to capture a strong outpost pawn. The move allowed White's piece to escape from an attack. It also missed the chance to defend an unprotected piece. Kf5 failed to protect an underdefended piece as well. Moreover, the move missed the opportunity to force White to make a specific move. It also missed the chance to develop a piece for active play. Despite these drawbacks, Kf5 developed Black's king for more active participation in the game.
[Date "2024.09.03"]