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Shahinyan,Vladimir vs. Pashikyan,Rudolf - 15th Margaryan Memorial-IM 2025 0-1

In the 15th Margaryan Memorial-IM 2025 event on 2025.01.10, Vladimir Shahinyan played a move that has been characterized as a missed opportunity to escape an attack, which is described by: "Misses opportunity to escape attack." The bishop moves forward from its starting position, effectively advancing along the long diagonal of the board. This is also known as "Bishop advances on long diagonal." Additionally, the move can be seen as a development for active play, as it brings the piece into the game more actively positioned, described by: "Develops piece for active play." On the other hand, the move can be viewed as not fully utilizing the piece's potential in terms of mobility and control on the board, characterized by: "Misses chance to develop piece."
[Date "2025.01.10"]