Sevcikova,Lucia vs. Foisor,Sabina-Francesca - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1/2-1/2
In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, Lucia Sevcikova played with white pieces against Sabina-Francesca Foisor with black pieces. The move Bg7 was made by Black, which can be rephrased as follows:
By playing Bg7, Black misses the opportunity to launch a direct attack on White's position. This move also ignores the chance to force White to respond to a potential threat, instead opting for passive development of the bishop. Furthermore, it neglects the possibility to influence the center and exert pressure on White's position, which would have been a more dynamic approach. However, Black does develop the bishop for active play, suggesting that they aim to increase mobility in the future moves.
[Date "2024.12.30"]