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Senthil Maran K vs. Horvath,David - SixDays Budapest January IM-B 2025 1-0

In the game between Senthil Maran K and Horvath, David at the SixDays Budapest January IM-B 2025 on 2025.01.29, Black's move Kb7 can be analyzed as follows: By playing Kb7, Black allows White to kick a piece (potentially weakening their position), fails to better escape an attack that was imminent, misses the opportunity to defend an unprotected piece, and defends the attacked piece by moving it away from the threat. However, this defense comes at the cost of leaving another underdefended piece without adequate protection. Overall, Kb7 blocks a potential White attack but also delays development of Black's own pieces for active play. If that doesn't make sense please let me know I can rephrase
[Date "2025.01.29"]