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Schmidt,Jessica vs. Arnhold,Steffi - 2nd German Women BLS 2024-25 0-1

In the 2nd German Women BLS 2024-25 on January 26, 2025, White player Jessica Schmidt made a move that had several negative consequences. By playing Rd2, she lost control of material, leaving her knight without any defenders on the second rank. This move also missed an opportunity to threaten Black's position more directly and ignored a stronger chance at gaining a material advantage. Furthermore, this pawn sacrifice was unnecessary and did not reveal any potential attack on Black's piece. The move failed to seize a winning tempo and also missed chances to escape from any potential attacks by Black. Additionally, it missed opportunities to defend the unprotected knight and protect an underdefended piece, as well as force a response from Black and develop her piece for active play.
[Date "2025.01.26"]