Sasso,Nikolaos Dimitrios L vs. Boutikos,Eleftherios - 16th Greek Youth Team-ch 2024 0-1
In the 16th Greek Youth Team-ch 2024 game between Nikolaos Dimitrios Sasso (White) and Eleftherios Boutikos (Black), played on November 29, 2024, the move Nxd5 was made by White.
This pawn sacrifice allows White to take control of the center of the board. It also sets up a potential attack that will put pressure on Black's position. However, by moving the knight away from its original square, it loses one of its defenders and exposes itself to counter-attacks. Furthermore, this move reveals a blocked attack that could have been developed earlier.
Additionally, this pawn exchange opens up space for White's knight to exert its influence over the board more effectively. Nevertheless, in doing so, Sasso misses an opportunity to retreat his piece from the attacking position, which might have helped him avoid certain complications later on.
While it may seem that developing a piece is always beneficial, this move doesn't achieve that fully as material is lost in exchange for no real gain yet - only potential future gains.
[Date "2024.11.29"]