Sasikumar,Srivathsan vs. Zhang,Junyi - 98th Caplin Hastings Masters 2024-25 1/2-1/2
In the 98th Caplin Hastings Masters 2024-25 event on December 31, 2024, White player Sasikumar made the move c3. This move resulted in several key consequences: It allowed Black to potentially escape an attack by advancing one of their pieces (misses opportunity to escape attack). However, it also put the d3-pawn at risk of being attacked if a piece were to be played on that square (misses chance to defend unprotected piece). By responding with c3, White defended the d3-pawn from potential capture (defends attacked piece), although it is unclear whether this move was strategically sound. Nevertheless, the c3 move placed the d3-pawn in a relatively safe position, making it less of an immediate threat (piece now well defended). It also blocked any potential attack on Black's position that might have been launched from that square (blocks opponent attack), albeit perhaps not as effectively as could have been achieved. Furthermore, White missed an opportunity to safeguard the d3-pawn by providing additional support or protection for it earlier in the game (misses better protection). By playing c3, White chose instead to develop their queen's knight and potentially prepare it for active play, developing a piece for future use (develops piece for active play).
[Date "2024.12.31"]