Sarkar,Justin vs. Putnam,Liam - Marshall Masters FIDE Rapid 2025 0-1
In the Marshall Masters FIDE Rapid 2025 event on 2025.01.22, Justin Sarkar played a questionable move Qc7 with black pieces against Liam Putnam's white pieces. By moving his queen to c7, Justin sacrifices material by giving up a valuable piece without ensuring adequate support or protection for himself. This decision leaves the queen exposed and vulnerable to attack, as it is not well-defended. Additionally, the move misses an opportunity to launch a strong attacking chance, instead opting for passive development of the piece. Furthermore, Justin ignores Putnam's superior threat chance on the board, which might have led to a more advantageous position. The queen's presence is ultimately ineffective in achieving its intended purpose of putting pressure on White's pieces or defending Black's position.
[Date "2025.01.22"]