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Sanikidze,Tornike vs. Paichadze,Luka - 84th Georgian Championship 2025 1-0

In the 84th Georgian Championship 2025 on 2025.02.04 between Sanikidze,Tornike playing with white pieces versus Paichadze,Luka playing with black pieces, the move Qa7 is a notable choice by Black. This follow-up move to capture is executed as part of an active play strategy that directly addresses White's attacking threat on material. Instead of exploiting a free capture opportunity, which might have relieved some pressure, Black chooses to continue developing their piece for future active play. This development move sets the stage for potential counter-attacking opportunities and allows for flexibility in response to White's next moves. By kicking away an opponent's piece, Black gains more mobility on the board while also providing a counter to any possible pawn breaks by White. However, this move also misses the chance to safely retreat and potentially escape White's attack altogether. In essence, Qa7 is an aggressive choice that prioritizes long-term development and counter-attacking capabilities over immediate material safety or defensive strategies.
[Date "2025.02.04"]