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Salimov,Shovkat vs. Allajov,Ramil - Azerbaijan-ch 1st League 2025 1-0

In the game between Salimov Shovkat (white) and Allajov Ramil (black) of the Azerbaijan-ch 1st League 2025 on January 9, 2025, a notable move by black was Kh8. This move is characterized by a deliberate trade-off for equal value, with the player choosing to sacrifice material rather than pursuing a potentially stronger line. By ignoring the superior threat chance presented by the white position, the player opted instead to propose an equal piece trade, which may have been seen as a more straightforward option. However, this choice also meant that the player missed an opportunity to develop their piece for active play, potentially gaining an advantage through increased mobility and attacking chances.
[Date "2025.01.09"]