Rustamov,Rustam vs. Garakhanov,Shamsi - Azerbaijan-ch 1st League 2025 1-0
In the Azerbaijan-ch 1st League 2025 event on January 9, 2025, between Rustamov playing with white pieces against Garakhanov playing with black pieces, the move Kf6 by Black was made. This move puts pressure on White's position, potentially leading to a material gain for Black. Notably, Black ignored the stronger threat of their own attack, which suggests a miscalculation in judgment. By moving the King to f6, Black has revealed a blocked attack and missed an opportunity to better defend against it. The move also allows White to kick an opponent's piece out of the way, gaining a strategic advantage. Furthermore, Black failed to provide adequate protection for their own piece, leaving it vulnerable to attack. Despite this, Garakhanov has now well defended the attacked piece, preventing any further material loss. Interestingly, the move Kf6 creates a fork that attacks multiple pieces simultaneously, increasing the pressure on White's position. It appears that Black missed an opportunity to develop their piece for more active play, instead choosing to focus on this specific move. Overall, the King to f6 move by Black has significant implications for the rest of the game and will be crucial in determining its outcome.
[Date "2025.01.09"]