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Rathanvel,V S vs. Berczes,David - SixDays Budapest January GM-B 2025 1/2-1/2

In the game between Rathanvel, V S (white) and Berczes, David (black) at the SixDays Budapest January GM-B 2025 on 2025.01.27, Black's move Qxd1 was characterized by winning material, eliminating an attacking piece, and leaving a piece without defenders. This move also led to a situation where the opponent's piece was well defended due to the loss of its potential to attack another piece. Additionally, it did not provide better protection for the underdefended piece, but rather took control of it by capturing it with the queen, thus pinning the opponent's piece to their king. Furthermore, the move resulted in an equal trade, eliminating a threat and forcing the opponent to make a piece move, while also developing the queen for active play.
[Date "2025.01.27"]