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Rasulov,Vugar vs. Mamedov,Rauf - Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 1/2-1/2

In the Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 game between Rasulov,Vugar (white) and Mamedov,Rauf (black) on February 4, 2025, the move Bd7 was played by Black. This move is characterized as an equal trade proposal, where a bishop of equal value could have been exchanged for another piece. It also aims to develop a more active bishop, which could potentially be used in future attacks. However, it misses the opportunity to gain better protection for the underdefended pawn on d7, making it vulnerable to counter-attacks. The move allows the opponent's piece to kick in and potentially create problems for Black's position. Furthermore, the bishop now enjoys a certain level of defense due to its placement on d7. Nevertheless, it fails to provide favorable material exchange or a chance to develop other pieces that could be used for active play. Despite this, the move does develop the bishop, which is now ready to participate in active play and potentially launch attacks against White's position.
[Date "2025.02.04"]