Qi,Jenny vs. Preobrazhenskaya,Diana - FIDE WYCC G14 2024 0-1
In the game between Jenny Qi and Diana Preobrazhenskaya during the FIDE WYCC G14 2024 event on October 31, 2024, White played the move c4, which is part of the English Opening. This move follows a prior capture and poses a threat of winning material for White. However, it overlooks an opportunity for a free capture that could have been taken advantage of. The move compels Black to respond by moving a piece, while simultaneously advancing a passed pawn. Despite this aggressive approach, it allows Black to potentially kick one of White's pieces away and misses a chance to escape an attack on one of White's pieces. Furthermore, it neglects the opportunity to defend an unprotected piece and fails to protect another piece that is underdefended. While it does develop a piece for more active play, it misses out on other developmental opportunities that could have been beneficial for White's position.