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Pribelszky,Bence Daniel vs. Golubovskis,Maksims - SixDays Budapest January IM-A 2025 1-0

In the SixDays Budapest January IM-A 2025 chess tournament on January 27, 2025, between players Pribelszky, Bence Daniel (white) and Golubovskis, Maksims (black), a notable move was made by black: Nd8. This move was characterized by missing the opportunity to launch a threatening attack, as it revealed that the piece on d8 is blocked. By playing Nd8, black also missed the chance to unveil a more optimal attack, allowing white to potentially kick off with a counterattack. However, this move did not help to escape an impending attack, nor did it defend an unprotected piece. Instead, it effectively defended the attacked piece by making it harder for white to target. Additionally, this move did not provide better protection for the underdefended piece on d8. Nevertheless, black's Nd8 did successfully block a potential opponent attack, preventing white from gaining an advantage in that direction.
[Date "2025.01.27"]