Prasain,Punam vs. Kapali,Binita - 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 1-0
In the 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 on 2025.01.29, Prasain made a move with her black pieces that followed a capture, but failed to capitalize on the opportunity to threaten Kapali's position. Instead of exploiting this chance, she ignored the superior threat that was unfolding. Additionally, by playing Rf6, Prasain missed the chance to reveal an attack on one of Kapali's pieces, which could have gained her a strategic advantage.
Moreover, Prasain's move also left her vulnerable to Kapali's potential counterattack and failed to provide any immediate escape from the danger. Furthermore, in developing her rook for active play, Prasain missed an opportunity to further improve her piece's overall development and coordination with other pieces on the board.
[Date "2025.01.29"]