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Perdomo,Leandro vs. Pironti,Francisco Ferrari - 2nd Sampa STD Open 2025 1-0

In the 2nd Sampa STD Open 2025 chess match on 2025.02.01 between Leandro Perdomo playing with white pieces versus Francisco Pironti, the move hxg5 played by Black was characterized by following a capture move to eliminate an attacking piece. This move also resulted in winning material and ignoring a superior threat chance. However, it is noted that this move does not develop the piece for active play, despite having the opportunity to do so. Additionally, the piece is now well defended after the capture, but misses better protection for an underdefended piece. Furthermore, the move creates a passed pawn, which could potentially be developed further. Lastly, the move seems to overlook potential benefits of better protection for the attacked piece. It's also worth mentioning that Leandro Perdomo's move hxg5 is a free piece, as it eliminates the attacking piece and wins material.
[Date "2025.02.01"]