Paragua,Megan Althea vs. Abdullayev,Shami - Marshall Masters FIDE Rapid 2025 1-0
In the Marshall Masters FIDE Rapid 2025 event on January 22, 2025, Paragua played a bold move f5 against Abdullayev with black pieces. This aggressive pawn advance can be viewed as an attempt to equalize material by offering a piece trade, but it ultimately allows Abdullayev's opponent to kick the knight away from a potentially vulnerable square. However, by moving f5, Paragua misses the chance to escape an impending attack on their position and instead opens up lines for Abdullayev's pieces to develop more actively.
The move also fails to support the development of any other piece, as it takes center control without coordinating with other pieces. Nonetheless, by playing f5, Paragua does develop a piece for active play, which could potentially lead to counterplay in the future.
[Date "2025.01.22"]