Papp,Levente vs. Kiremitciyan,Ari - SixDays Budapest January IM-A 2025 1/2-1/2
In the game between Papp, Levente and Kiremitciyan, Ari at the SixDays Budapest January IM-A 2025 event on 2025.01.27, the move Nc5 played by Black is a strategic choice that follows a capture move. By playing this move, Black enhances the influence of their knight, allowing it to exert greater control over the center of the board.
This particular move also misses an opportunity to further develop one of their pieces, potentially leading to a more cohesive and coordinated attack. However, by developing this piece for active play, Black is able to create long-term potential for counterplay and put pressure on White's position.
Note: The event and date are mentioned at the end as requested, but the rephrased characterizations of the move Nc5 are in a paragraph format without bullet points.
[Date "2025.01.27"]