Ongut,Tamas Gunes vs. Vandan Alankar Sawai - SixDays Budapest January IM-B 2025 1-0
In the game between Ongut and Tamas Gunes versus Vandan Alankar Sawai in the SixDays Budapest January IM-B 2025 event on January 29, 2025, Black's move Kg6 is notable for several aspects.
Firstly, it follows a capture move, as the previous turn likely involved capturing one of White's pieces or pawns with the King. This led to Black regrouping their forces.
Secondly, Kg6 misses an opportunity to threaten, allowing White to prepare a counterattack while Black is momentarily distracted from attacking.
Furthermore, by playing Kg6, Black ignores a superior threat chance that White might have used this turn to launch a decisive attack.
This move also reveals a blocked attack, indicating that Black was considering using their King as a piece in the attack but ultimately chose not to do so.
Additionally, Kg6 gains tempo advantage for Black, as they've managed to get more turns out of their previous capture compared to White.
However, this move fails to better escape from the impending attack by White, as Kg6 does not improve Black's defensive position significantly.
Moreover, Kg6 misses the chance to defend an unprotected piece, specifically the King itself, which remains vulnerable despite this move.
The move defends the attacked piece, albeit with some reservations, suggesting that Black has made a strategic decision regarding their piece development.
Lastly, Kg6 creates a fork, attacking multiple pieces simultaneously, although it's not clear if this is intended to force White into making concessions or simply a tactical maneuver.
[Date "2025.01.29"]