Ongut,Tamas Gunes vs. Turcan,Richard - Slovakian ECo-C Extraliga 2024-25 0-1
In the Slovakian ECo-C Extraliga 2024-25 on 2024.11.24 between Ongut and Tamas Gunes versus Turcan and Richard, a pivotal move was made by Black player Turcan, playing h4.
This aggressive move puts Turcan's pawn in direct conflict with Ongut's central pawns, potentially threatening material gain and disrupting Ongut's control of the center. By choosing to sacrifice a pawn on this square, Turcan is essentially ignoring the stronger threat posed by Ongut's central pawns and instead opting for a more active approach.
Unfortunately for Turcan, this move also misses the opportunity to escape Ongut's attack, as it leaves the d5-pawn somewhat exposed. Moreover, by advancing this pawn, Turcan is also neglecting the protection of his underdefended knight on c8, which could become vulnerable to attacks from Ongut.
Additionally, playing h4 does not allow for the development of a more powerful piece, such as the dark-squared bishop, and instead develops the queenside pawn, potentially limiting Turcan's long-term strategic options.
[Date "2024.11.24"]