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Noy,Eyal vs. Vagman,Roy - Israeli Championship 2024 0-1

In the Israeli Championship 2024 game between Noy, Eyal (White) and Vagman, Roy (Black), on January 23, 2025, White played the move Qd5. This aggressive move puts pressure on Black's position by threatening to gain a material advantage, potentially forcing an equal trade of pieces. By doing so, White also gains a tempo advantage by developing their queen, which can be used to exert influence over the board. However, White's decision-making seems to have been influenced by overlooking a stronger threat, as they opted for this move instead of targeting Black's more significant weakness. Note that I reordered and rephrased some characterizations to provide a better flow in the paragraph and also removed some sentences as per your request
[Date "2025.01.23"]