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Noy,Eyal vs. Gorshtein,Ido - Israeli Championship 2024 0-1

In the Israeli Championship 2024 on January 21, 2025, Eyal Noy made a move with his white pieces: Bxd6. This pawn capture gave White control of an important outpost. However, it did so at the cost of ignoring a superior threat chance. The resulting position has a free piece that is now more active. Unfortunately for White, this move also ignored a potential free capture opportunity. By playing Bxd6, Noy occupied the square with his bishop, which could potentially be better defended in the future. Despite this, the move failed to improve White's escape from an attack on a different part of the board. Furthermore, it missed an opportunity to defend an unprotected piece that had been put under threat earlier in the game. The bishop is now well defended, but this was not due to Noy's pawn capture. A better defense for an underdefended piece also would have been possible if White had chosen a different move. Overall, the move developed one of White's pieces for active play.
[Date "2025.01.21"]