Nihira Koul vs. Koli Aditya - 1st Konde Memorial 2025 1-0
In the 1st Konde Memorial 2025 chess match between Nihira Koul and Koli Aditya on February 2, 2025, Black played the move Bb6. This move resulted in a loss of material in exchange, as it likely gave White a material advantage.
Black ignored a superior threat chance by playing Bb6, opting instead to focus on developing their piece rather than addressing a potential attack.
By moving Bb6, Black sacrificed one of their pieces unnecessarily, which could have been avoided if they had taken a different approach.
The move Bb6 forced White to respond with their knight, potentially disrupting their own plans and creating an opportunity for counterplay.
However, instead of escaping the attack by playing Bb6, Black missed an opportunity to avoid being put in this difficult position.
Additionally, by not defending one of their pieces more effectively, Black left it underdefended, making it vulnerable to further attacks.
In contrast, Black's bishop on b6 was now well defended, thanks to the move, which likely provided a strong foundation for their pawn structure.
Despite having a defended piece, Black still missed an opportunity to better protect this position by taking additional steps to safeguard their king and pawns.
The move Bb6 also allowed Black to develop their piece, setting it up for active play in the rest of the game.
[Date "2025.02.02"]