Nigalidze,Gaioz vs. Mchedlishvili,Mikheil - 84th Georgian Championship 2025 0-1
In the 84th Georgian Championship 2025 on 2025.02.05, Gaioz Nigalidze played a move with white pieces that followed a capture, taking control of the square. This move threatened to gain material advantage by capturing Mikheil Mchedlishvili's piece. The capture led to an equal trade of material. However, Nigalidze opted not to capitalize on the stronger threat opportunity available to him. His decision allowed his opponent to keep their piece in play. The move was characterized as a free piece that had been captured earlier, but was now being returned to its original position. This strategic choice forced Mchedlishvili to make an opponent's piece move, potentially altering their plans. By doing so, Nigalidze occupied the square and gained control over an important outpost in the game. Unfortunately for Nigalidze, he missed out on a favorable piece exchange that could have given him more of an advantage. Furthermore, Mchedlishvili was able to avoid being attacked, as his king remained safe from potential danger. A better material exchange might have also been possible with this move, but it was not pursued by Nigalidze. In the end, Nigalidze simply retook the captured piece that he had lost earlier in the game. Overall, the move was more of a development play to set up his pieces for active play rather than an attack.
[Date "2025.02.05"]