Navaratnam,Rohan Shan Tze vs. Sivanandan,Bodhana - 4NCL Div 2 2024-25 1-0
In the game between Navaratnam,Rohan Shan Tze (white) and Sivanandan,Bodhana (black) of the 4NCL Div 2 2024-25 on 2024.11.24, white played the move Ne5.
This move could have potentially threatened black's position, but instead it seems to ignore a more significant threat chance. The knight's development also reveals an attack on a piece. However, this only forces black to respond by moving one of their pieces. The knight's influence is actually enhanced by this move. It appears that white missed the opportunity to capture an outpost, and a favorable piece exchange could have been made. Additionally, the move doesn't seem to help in escaping an attack or forcing a material exchange. Furthermore, it doesn't lead to an enemy forced move. Despite not developing any other pieces, Ne5 does develop a piece for active play.
[Date "2024.11.24"]