Montes Orozco, Miguel Angel vs. Ambrogi, Agustin - September 03 Late 2024 0-1
In the game between Miguel Angel Montes Orozco (white) and Agustin Ambrogi (black) on September 3, 2024 in the September 03 Late event, Montes Orozco played the move Nf3 with white. This move follows a capture, as it is played after a piece has been taken. By playing Nf3, Montes Orozco exchanges material, as the knight is moved to a different square. However, the move leaves the knight undefended, as no other pieces are protecting it. While the move may seem to sacrifice the knight unnecessarily, it actually enhances the knight's influence on the position. Despite missing an opportunity to defend or develop another piece, Nf3 allows for more active play with the knight.