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Mitrabha,Guha vs. Nishant Abhijeet Jawalkar - Goa GM Open 2025 1-0

In the game between Mitrabha Guha and Nishant Abhijeet Jawalkar of Goa GM Open 2025 on January 11, 2025, Black's move g6 was played by Nishant. This move allows for developing the piece in a way that prepares it for active play, which is an essential aspect of chess strategy. This particular move comes at the expense of ignoring a superior threat chance, as White could have exploited this weakness to gain material advantage earlier on. Additionally, Black's g6 move reveals blocked attacks that might have been possible if the piece had developed differently, potentially leading to more opportunities for counterplay. Furthermore, by playing g6, Nishant misses an opportunity to force his opponent to make a move that could have given away valuable information about their plans.
[Date "2025.01.11"]